Search Results - therapeutic

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Well-Characterized Non-Genetically Modified Bovine Muscle Cell Lines for Research Use

Well-Characterized Non-Genetically Modified Bovine Muscle Cell Lines for Research Use Executive Summary: Well-characterized non-genetically modified bovine primary muscle cell lines have been sorted based on genetic information and proliferate well for research use. Background: Animal cell lines are utilized for a variety of medical and veterinary...
Published: 5/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jongkyoo Kim
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Agricultural, Agriculture, Animal/Veterinary, Biotechnology, Veterinary, Therapeutic

Tunable Luminescent Organic Salts for Enhanced Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy

Executive Summary:Theranostic nanomedicine, the medical application of nanobiotechnology, is an emerging area of cancer research. These nanosystems are capable of diagnosing, curing, or preventing diseases. One example of theranostic nanomedicine is photodynamic therapy which uses photosensitizing agents with light to kill cancer cells. However, a major...

Virtual Reality Training for Self-Mitigating Hand Tremors

Executive SummaryEvery individual exhibits some degree of hand tremors simply due to human physiology. While this does not typically affect daily routines even the slightest tremor is significant in fields requiring millimeter-level precision, such as eye surgery. This MSU-developed technology allows for persons to practice their hand manipulation skills...
Published: 6/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Taiwoo Park, Cheol Song
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Medical, Therapeutic

A Smart Device-based Depression Behavior Monitoring Platform for Enhancing College Counseling Services

Executive SummaryDepression is the leading health issue on college campuses in the U.S. Today, college students are dealing with depression at some of the highest rates in decades. Unfortunately, university counseling centers (UCCs), which are the primary access points for students to receive mental health services, are facing significant challenges...
Published: 6/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Mi Zhang, Jingbo Meng
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Computer Software, Communication, Analytical Instruments, Therapeutic

Methods and Apparatus for Determining Cuff-Less Blood Pressure

IntroductionBlood pressure provides health care professionals with basic, yet essential information about a patient's health and well-being. For some high risk patients, blood pressure must be consistently and in some cases constantly monitored, usually requiring an intra-arterial catheter. Traditional blood pressure cuffs are insufficient for these...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ramakrishna Mukkamala, Mingwu Gao
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Medical, Devices, Therapeutic