Search Results - Photonics

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High-Speed, Wideband, and Widefield Coherent Raman Imaging

VALUE PROPOSITION Inter- and intra-molecular interactions in solids dictate a variety of physical and chemical properties, ranging from structural characteristics and carrier transports to reaction pathways and the emergence of topological states. In heterogeneous materials, compositional changes and local nanoscale environments tune these properties...
Published: 1/30/2025   |   Inventor(s): Elad Harel
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Analytical Instruments, Photonics, Test and Measurement

Super-resolution Optical Imaging

VALUE PROPOSITION Conventional microscopes rely on making a spatial measurement of light, which are diffraction limited. Traditional scanning microscopy approaches obtain a spatial image by scanning across known locations. The wavelength of light becomes the limiting factor in achieving better spatial resolution. It would be advantageous to have a...
Published: 9/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elad Harel
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Nanotechnology, Photonics, Test and Measurement

Spectroscopic Bioagent Detection

VALUE PROPOSITION The need for Identifying viruses quickly and accurately has become more apparent than ever. Each cell, virus, nanoparticle vibrates at a natural frequency. This technology is a phonon spectroscopy-based microscope that accurately identifies single nanoparticles and viruses. The device can be used for detecting single viruses or...
Published: 9/24/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elad Harel
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Medical, Analytical Instruments, Biotechnology, Environmental, Photonics

Laser Pulse Shaper

VALUE PROPOSITION This technology can continuously monitor internal dispersion and correct for temperature drifts caused by the environment or by laser deposited thermal energy. This Pulse shaper will be zero-dispersion and will be able to faithfully characterize input as well as output pulses. INTRODUCTION When a pulse shaper is used as a...
Published: 6/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Marcos Dantus
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Analytical Instruments, Photonics, Test and Measurement

A Gating Grid Driver for Time Projection Chamber

Executive SummaryTime Projection Chambers (TPCs) are uniquely useful in analyzing nuclear reactions and resulting particles. These devices rely on fast gating systems to allow or deny entry of particles into the detection area; without which they would not be functional. MSU researchers have developed a novel gating grid driver system for TPCs. Due...

Lens with Electronically Controlled Optical Properties

Executive SummaryThis MSU-developed device allows for electrical control of the optical properties in a liquid lens and other optic devices. Capable of altering light’s focal point, this technology lends itself into many applications such as displays, microscopes, telescopes, interferometers, and many more. Description of TechnologyBy controlling...
Published: 8/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Gary Blanchard, Greg Swain, Romana Jarosova, Ke Ma
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Advanced Materials, Chemicals, Devices, Photonics

Laser for Fluid Dynamics

Executive SummaryOne of the hallmarks of turbulence is the formation of rotating currents known as vortices. Measuring the vorticity is of great importance in fluid dynamics, especially for aerodynamic design and control of air flight. MSU researchers have developed a novel high precision technology to permit the use of a laser for direct measurement...

Ultrafast Square Pulses

Executive SummaryIt is desirable in many applications to precisely control the output pulse shape for high speed and high power laser systems. A flat top, fist rise and fast fall pulse is a desired pulse shape. In the case of a bandwidth-limited Gaussian pulse, the peak of the pulse is near the threshold but the rest of the pulse is well below the...
Published: 8/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Marcos Dantus, Vadim Lozovoy
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Analytical Instruments, Photonics, Devices