Search Results - a.+ronald+detweiler

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Chemical Efficacy, Environmental Safety, and Operational Design Improvements for the SandSprayer "Spreader Apparatus for Sand Based Formulations" (Patent No. 8,028,928)

Executive SummaryCurrently, as a part of turfgrass installation and maintenance, topdressing sand and active ingredients (fungicide/growth regulators) are applied sequentially, requiring two passes over the turf. Carrying out these processes separately requires additional time to make two identical passes, leads to spray drift when spraying chemicals,...
Published: 12/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): A. Ronald Detweiler, Joseph Vargas, Gary Zehr
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Agriculture, Environment, Mechanical

Sprayer/Top Dresser Machine for Application of Treated Sand to Golf Course Turf

Executive SummaryCurrently, as a part of turfgrass installation and maintenance, topdressing sand and active ingredients (fungicide/growth regulators) are applied sequentially, requiring two passes over the turf. Carrying out these processes separately requires additional time to make two identical passes, leads to spray drift when spraying chemicals,...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): A. Ronald Detweiler, Joseph Vargas, Nancy Dykema
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Agriculture, Environment, Mechanical

Turfgrass Biostimulant/Adjuvant Compositions

IntroductionAgricultural adjuvants are commonly used in conjunction with pesticides to enhance their efficacy. An adjuvant does not actively fight fungus or pests, but it improves the ability of a fungicide to prevent or cure disease. One popular adjuvant used in turfgrass applications is made of mineral oil, combined with a surfactant, emulsifier and...
Published: 1/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): A. Ronald Detweiler, Joseph Vargas
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Agriculture, Chemicals