Search Results - Telecommunications+and+Internet

13 Results Sort By:

Secure and Efficient Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Transmission System with Disguised Jamming

VALUE PROPOSITION The use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal modulation has become widespread in current electronics. Currently 4G, 5G, LTE and other data and telecommunications systems utilize this modulation technique due to its numerous advantages.. With integration of OFDM into consumer, government, and corporate fields,...
Published: 8/16/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tongtong Li, Jian Ren, Yuan Liang
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Computer Software, Telecommunications and Internet, Defense

Blockumulus: A Scalable Framework for Smart Contracts on the Cloud

​ INTRODUCTION Blockchain with proof-of-work (POW) consensus effectively prevents data tampering by anyone with less than half of the total computational power of the network. The unique properties of blockchain soon attracted researchers and engineers to use the technology for a plethora of decentralized applications, commencing the era of smart...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qiben Yan, Nikolay Ivanov
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Computer Software, Informatics, Telecommunications and Internet

Zero-Energy Wireless Channel Capacity Enhancement

Executive SummaryThis technology is a set of novel packet position modulation (PPM) standards based on the modulation of inter packet intervals for zero-energy data transmission in transmit only sensor networks and Internet-of-Things applications with restrictive energy budgets. Packet data transmissions in wireless sensor networks are often scheduled...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Subir Biswas, Dezhi Feng, Saptarshi Das
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Communication, Computer Hardware, Telecommunications and Internet

A Multiband Sensing Unit

Executive SummaryWireless sensing can be utilized to monitor multiple targets in various fields, including biomedical, civil engineering, automation, aerospace, and defense. Conventional radio waves do not travel well through conductive mediums, such as metal and sea water. This poses an issue for certain applications, like monitoring the corrosion...

Linearization and Efficiency Enhancement Techniques for Digital Wireless Transmitters

Executive SummaryWireless digital transmitters offer numerous benefits versus conventional analog systems, including reduced footprint and power consumption. A recent innovation developed at MSU can help further these advantages, while also enhancing performance linearity. Description of TechnologyOur novel design improves system performance for Class-G...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Sangmin Yoo, Si-Wook Yoo
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Communication, Computer Hardware, Devices, Telecommunications and Internet

RFID Tag-Reader System for Long Range Remote Sensing and Identification

Executive SummaryRFID tags are employed in a multitude of applications and industries, such as transportation, animal identification, retail and many others. However, these applications are typically limited to instances where there is free access to the location of the RFID chip. This MSU developed technology allows a RFID tag to be implemented in...
Published: 8/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Premjeet Chahal, Saikat Mondal
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Computer Hardware, Devices, Electrical, Packaging, Telecommunications and Internet

Homerun Derby and Additional VR Games

Executive SummaryThis technology is a high-tech development of America’s favorite pastime – Baseball. Using Virtual Reality, this immersive game allows players to experience many ballparks and try their best to knock it out of the park. This game may be run on traditional VR headset/controller combos, or alternatively utilize an arcade-style...
Published: 2/3/2025   |   Inventor(s): Taiwoo Park, Sage Miller, Byron Lau, Yilang Zhao
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Telecommunications and Internet, Computer Software

Ultra Low Power Data Transfer

Executive SummaryThe number of devices connected to the internet (smartphones, tablets, sensors, etc.) is estimated to grow to approximately 50 billion by 2020. In addition to the devices that the user interacts with directly (phone, PC, etc.) there is a large number of autonomous entities including temperature sensors, home security systems, garage...
Published: 8/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Subir Biswas, Dezhi Feng, Faezeh Hajiaghajani, Saptarshi Das
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Data Processing/Analysis, Energy, Communication, Telecommunications and Internet

Video Summarization Algorithm

Executive SummaryExplosive growth in video content demands optimal methods of summarizing information for efficient data management and processing. Heterogeneity image patch indexing is method of rapidly summarizing video content by identifying key video frame images for differences in features.Description of TechnologyIdentifying key information from...
Published: 6/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Hayder Radha, Chinh Dang
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Computer Software, Telecommunications and Internet

Improved Facial Recognition and Rotated Facial Modeling

Executive SummaryThis software exhibits many improvements to current facial recognition technology. When compared to current state-of-the-art technology against standard databases, this invention showed a 15% improvement. Additionally this invention includes novel features such as the possibility of multiple image and still frame inputs, as well as...
Published: 2/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Xiaoming Liu, Luan Tran, Xi Yin
Keywords(s):   Category(s): Computer Software, Defense, Telecommunications and Internet
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