Multi-Mode Radiofrequency Cavity

Particle accelerators accelerate charged elementary particles by using radiofrequency cavities which house and control powerful alternating electric fields. In these cavities, the electric field typically oscillates at the charged particle’s fundamental frequency; this creates a beam of energy which needs to be further focused and shaped before exiting the accelerator. Beam shaping and focusing are accomplished by using an electric field oscillating at a harmonic frequency, these are frequencies which area an integer multiple of the harmonic. Typically, acceleration (fundamental) and shaping (harmonic) operations need to be carried out in separate RF cavities because common controls schemes can only effectively generate one frequency at a time, and using two of the same control schemes in one cavity causes mutual interference. It is desirable to have a radiofrequency cavity designed with the ability to control two separate electromagnetic modes independently. This would accomplish the role of two cavities, while minimizing emittance and energy losses associated with using multiple cavities.  Combining shaping and acceleration operations within one cavity could provide a particle accelerator able to generate beams with superior luminosity, lower emittance, and overall higher quality.

This invention is a method to orthogonally control fundamental and harmonic electromagnetic fields to effectively implement both shaping and acceleration within a single cavity. This technology accomplishes this goal by controlling the fundamental field using a short-circuit loop conductor as a coupler, while the harmonic is controlled by a straight-wire open-circuit conductor as a coupler. This has the effect of causing the fundamental to couple via its magnetic field component, while the harmonic couples via its electric field component. Since an electromagnetic field’s electric and magnetic components are orthogonal, such a scheme can effectively control both the fundamental and harmonic and thus accomplish both shaping and acceleration within the same cavity. The position of each coupler was selected such that they interfere with one another minimally. This design was made to control the TM010 and TM012 modes, but any combination of two modes is possible.

•    Accomplishes individual control of two electromagnetic modes within the same cavity 
•    Potentially cheaper and more effective than using two separate cavities 
•    Lower emittance and higher luminosity 

•    Tabletop 
•    Medical 
•    Satellite-based 
•    Accelerators where size and weight are key 

Patent Pending

Full licensing rights available

DEVELOPER: Benjamin Sims and Dr. Sergey Baryshev

TECH ID: TEC2024-0165

For more information about this technology, 
contact Raymond DeVito Ph.D. at or 1(517)884-1658

Patent Information:


For Information, Contact:

Raymond Devito
Technology Manager
Michigan State University