I- DISC - Digital Initial Screening of Cognition - A Virtual Tool for Screening for Cognitive Function


When a person starts to experience memory loss and other forms of cognitive decline, it can be a stressful, uncertain, and a trying time for everyone involved, from the affected person to their family, friends, caretakers, and even healthcare providers. Cognitive function may decline as a result of specific risk factors (e.g. hypertension, elevated cholesterol, cardiac arrhythmias). This cognitive decline in turn could adversely impact  the person’s physical functioning and quality of life. No matter what the cause of the cognitive decline, it’s important to quickly confirm the nature of the cognitive decline in order to implement an  appropriate treatment. I-DISC is an evidence-based, user-friendly and effective tool, uniquely designed to screen for cognitive function.


The overall aim of this software (or software application, decide) is to provide a novel application designed to test cognitive function virtually by physicians and health care providers screening for early-stage dementia. The app design is based on established neurocognitive principles, , similar to MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) and MMSE (Mini Mental Status Exam). I-DISC is unique since it is designed for use on digitalized platforms  which allows for early and repeated screening to identify early cognitive decline – the only phase where there are effective evidence-based treatments. The test stands out from traditional cognitive tests in that it does not require capacity-limiting proctors to facilitate the test.


  • I-DISC has a refined set of proprietary commands and algorithms to test the person’s deductive reasoning, executive functions,
    memory and recall functions
  • The software is platform agnostic, that is, it can be used on mobile devices or other platforms


  • Applications in testing of:
    • Short term memory
    • Visuospatial abilities
    • Executive functions
    • Attention, concentration and working memory
    • Language
    • Orientation to time and place
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For Information, Contact:

Anupam Jhingran
Technology Manager
Michigan State University